Perhaps, it's been this intense year that inspired me to finally get up off my lazy butt and do what I know I was born to do....capture life moments. I have made many futile attempts to create a website, a merch site, a portfolio, etc...but the only thing that I've managed to stay consistent with primarily because its so simple and doesn't require much more than a click is my hydreams.tumblr. Check it out if you haven't,I feel it visually shows my growth as not only a photographer but as human being as well. Its conception was at a time where nothing else gave me nourishment but my art, so scroll away it has been a interesting and amazing human experience.
Ok so here's to the point, if you know me than you know me, if you don't then this is my way of saying hello.....Hi.. .... if you've gotten this far then thank you immensely this is my life and what I do. I've gotten that question "What do you do?" enough times this year and have yet until now been able to explain all the various mediums that I am connected this is it.
KISO, my life.....organically.